23 Jul

Student Visa Extension
Your student visa is about to expire, but it turns out that you decided to extend your stay in Spain for the purpose of studies. How do you go about obtaining an extension?
In order to apply for the extension of your permission to reside in the country, firstly the student has to provide accreditation that he has passed the applicable tests that enable him to continue his studies. Secondly, the student can apply for the extension of his permit to reside, under the condition that the requirements below are met.
General requirements:
– guarantee sufficient economic means to support himself during his stay.
– have medical insurance
– have paid the application fee amount
– in case the duration of stay exceeds 6 month, a certificate of your criminal record
Specific requirements:
– be admitted in an authorised educational centre in Spain.
– be admitted in a research or training centre that’s recognised in Spain.
– participate in a student exchange program.
– be admitted to a non-remunerated internship of a public or private company or into an officially recognised vocational training centre.
– perform voluntary service activities
Timeline of application and resolution of the permit to reside
The term to apply for the extension is during the 60 days before the student visa expires. In this term he should present his application for an extension using an official form (which has around 17€ of fees associated with it) to de delegation or sub delegation of the Government in the province where the student performs his activities.
The mere act of presenting the application already extends the permit to reside until the definitive resolution of the application.
In case the application is successful, the student will have to apply personally for a foreigner’s identity card in the Foreigner’s Office. This always requires an appointment.